
How to test a SmartSource Data Collector installation


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


After installing the SmartSource Data Collector, the following steps should be used to test it is capable of receiving data and generating log files.


In configurations that are not using a dcsid, set the following line in the \Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\cfg\dcs.cfg file to read as follows:


When hostedmodel=false, the following URL should be used for testing (replace “sdc_server_name” with the fully qualified domain name, host name, or IP address of the data collector server):


In configurations using one or more dcsids, set the following line in the \Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\cfg\dcs.cfg file to read as follows:


When using the hostedmodel option, there must be a valid dcsid listed in the webtrendssites.lst file, located in the same directory as the dcs.cfg. The following URL should be used for testing:


Replace “sdc_server_name” with the fully qualified domain name, host name, or IP address of the data collector server and replace the value “dcs8ijmirypf8dcihxeexpwyt_4h1h” with the dcsid to be tested.

Testing tag implementation:
The following two lines of code will return the data the Webtrends tag is sending to the data collection server. To make this information appear in a browser window, navigate to the page to be tested and replace the URL in the address bar with one of the following:



The former will return the URL, with all parameters, being sent to the data collection server. The latter will display this same information, but breaks it into its separate elements, making it more human readable.

The URL below will confirm whether or not the data collection server is publishing the transparent 1×1 gif image required to complete the request (as above, replace “sdc_server_name” with the fully qualified domain name, host name, or IP address of the data collector server):


Use of this test URL will always generate an invalid hit in the dcs.audit log because it does not conform to the data collection server’s expected format. The goal here is determine whether or not the URL, in its simplest form, is capable of displaying the transparent gif image. A successful request will display a blank page (the image displays). An unsuccessful request will display an error loading the page.