
How to Find and Delete Duplicate Scheduled Jobs


Analytics On Premises


Users will encounter errors when managing scheduled jobs if there are duplicates.
Recently (since 9.2d), there is a greater chance of creating duplicate scheduled jobs if the user is using Internet Explorer 9 and up without enabling compatibility mode for the user interface site.
This document will contain the queries to identify and delete the duplicate scheduled jobs.


The following query will display a list of all jobs with duplicates. This will list the original and the duplicate job.

SELECT * FROM [wt_sched].[dbo].[WT_Event]
WHERE [Description] IN (SELECT [Description]
FROM [wt_sched].[dbo].[WT_Event]
GROUP BY [Description] HAVING COUNT([Description])>1) AND EventTypeID =64

This next query will list only the jobs that will be deleted by the deletion query. These should all be duplicates that have never run before.

SELECT * FROM wt_sched.dbo.wt_event
WHERE wtobject_id in
(select wtobject_id from (select count(*) c, wtobject_id
from wt_sched.dbo.wt_event group by wtobject_id) as t where c > 1)
AND LastEventStatusID IS NULL

This last query will delete all of the jobs listed in the previous query.

DELETE FROM wt_sched.dbo.wt_event
WHERE wtobject_id in
(select wtobject_id from (select count(*) c, wtobject_id
from wt_sched.dbo.wt_event group by wtobject_id) as t where c > 1)
AND LastEventStatusID IS NULL