
How to enable concurrent analysis


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


How can I increase the number of concurrent or simultaneous analyses?


Single machine install:
1) Confirm that you have the necessary hardware resources before enabling additional analyses. Typically this will be 1 core/processor and 2 GB of RAM per analysis but please refer the hardware requirements for your specific version.
2) Within the Webtrends Analytics UI click on the Administration link in the lower left.
3) Find the “Application Settings” branch and expand it.
4) Expand “System Management”
5) Find the “Hosts” item and click on it.
6) You should now be on the “Hosts in System” page.
7) Find the word “Scheduler” in the Roles column on this page and click on it (it should be a clickable hyperlink)
8) Confirm both the following boxes are selected: “Enable Scheduler Agent” and “Enable Scheduler” (if either is not checked, please put a check in the box)
8) In the “Concurrent Tasks for agent” field enter the number of analyses you want to run simultaneously.
9) Click Save. Once saved, it may take a few moments for another job to enter the queue.
Note: In 8.7x and greater, a new setting was added called “Process Management for Agent”. This setting will control your jobs to allow a specific number of jobs to be allocated no matter what the “Concurrent Tasks for Agent” is set to.
Distributed Architecture Install:
Note: This process works much the same as single machine, the only difference is that you must define one of the machines as the master scheduler which hands jobs off to additional analysis nodes (if any.)
1) Confirm that you have the necessary hardware resources before enabling additional analyses. Typically this will be 1 core/processor and 2 GB of RAM per analysis but please refer the hardware requirements for your specific version.

2) Within the Webtrends Analytics UI click on the Administration link.
3) Find the “Application Settings” branch and expand it.
4) Expand “System Management”
5) Find the “Hosts” item and click on it.
6) You should now be on the “Hosts in System” page. You will see an entry for each node you have installed on your network.
7) Find the Host entry that is your master or primary Webtrends Analytics server.
8) In the Host Entry for this server click on the Scheduler link.
9) Confirm both the following boxes are selected: “Enable Scheduler Agent” and “Enable Scheduler” (if either is not checked, please put a check in the box)
10) In the “Concurrent Tasks for agent” field enter the number of analyses you want to run simultaneously on this host.
11) Save the changes
If you have additional analysis engines/nodes installed do the following for each of them:
1) On the “Hosts in System” page find the entry for the analysis node and click on scheduler for that engine(/host/node).
2) In the “Edit Scheduler Settings” check ONLY the “Enable Scheduler Agent” box ( and make sure that the Enable Scheduler box is NOT checked or selected.)
3) In the “Concurrent Tasks for agent” for that host enter the number of analyses you want that server to handle simultaneously.
4) Click Save.

More Information

If you have Pipelining or Affinity enabled it may consume some of the concurrent analyses to perform that task.
See knowledge base article: How do I disable pipelining and affinity within Webtrends?