
How to disable converting plus (+) spaces in Webtrends reports and SmartView


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Enterprise 7.x
Webtrends Professional 7.x
Webtrends Small Business 7.x


When Webtrends analyzes a log file and the URL contains a plus (+) character it is automatically converted into a space in the reports to make it more readable for the end user. In some cases this may cause SmartView overlays to fail as the reports do not have the same URL as what is in the address bar.


In the following example, the URL displayed in the address bar and the URL saved in the log file would appear with the + included:


When displayed in reports, the + is replaced by a space:

http://www.webtrends.com/support Center/support center.html

To disable conversion of + to spaces on a single profile, perform the following steps:

1. Edit the profile, and on the General tab, under Profile File Name, note the profile’s guid value.

2. On the Webtrends server, navigate to the following location:


3. Edit the .wlp file containing the profile guid.

4. Locate the [profile] section.

5. Add the following line:


If the line is already present and set to true, change it to false.

6. Save the change.

7. Restart the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent service.

To disable conversion of + to spaces for all profiles, perform the following steps:

1. On the Webtrends server, navigate to the following location:


2. Edit the wtm_wtx.ini file.

3. Locate the [profile] section.

4. Add the following line:


If the line is already present and set to true, change it to false.

5. Save the change.

6. Restart the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent service.

After making this change, all future report data will display the + character as it appears in the URL and log files. To apply this change to historical report data a reanalysis is required.