
How to create a Content Groups and Subgroups report with more than two levels


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


More than just Content Groups and Content Sub-groups are needed for the sites organization.


Custom tagging and a custom report is required in order to create more than the two dimensions in the Content Groups and Subgroups report. The steps to do this are below:

1) For each grouping below Content Subgroups requires creating an additional parameter. It isbest to add the additional parameter through the use of a meta tag, like with a DCSext parameter (“DCSext.level3” for example).

2) A dimension needs to be created based on this new parameter.Within the Webtrends installation, go to Administration > Web Analysis > Report Configuration > Custom Reports > Dimensions and then New. Give the new dimension a name and a column name and click Next. The dimension will based on Query Parameter with the parameter name created in step 1 (if the meta tag “DCSext” was used, leave off the “DCSext.” portion). Choose Next though the prompts and then click Save. Repeat this step for any additional parameters that are passing. Recreating the Content Groups or Content Subgroups dimensions is not needed.

3) A Custom Drilldown will need to be created in order to include the Content Groups, Content Sub-Groups, and the new dimensions. Click New again to create a new dimension.Give the new dimension a name and a column title and click Next. Under Value to Base On, select Custom Drilldown. For the selected dimensions, choose Content Groups (also called Content of Interest), Content Sub-Groups, and then the custom dimensions in the order they should be showing in the report. Click Next once they are all added. Click Save on the next screen.

4) Create a custom report using the Custom Drilldown. Under Custom Reports, click Reports and then New. Give the custom report a descriptive name and title and click Next. For the Primary dimension, select the Custom Drilldown. The column name should populate automatically. Check the box for Exclude activity without Dimension Data and click Next. Add whatever measures that are needed for the report, such as Visits and Hits and click Next. Add any filters that are needed, such as those to exclude internal traffic, and click Next then Save.

5) To add the report to a template, go to Administration > Web Analysis > Report Designer > Templates. Select the template that is attached to the profile where the report will be added. If it is a default template, create a copy of this template. Click Content, select the chapter that the report will be under, and click Add Report. Find the report, click the check box next to it, and click Done. Once back at the Content page of the template, click Save.

6) To add the report to a profile, edit the profile in question and go to Advanced > Reports. Scroll down to the report and check it. Go to the Reports heading and click on Report Templates. Make sure the template that has this report added to is checked. Save the profile.
To help ensure a smooth addition of the custom report to the production profile, we strongly recommend adding it to a test profile first. This will all for modifying the report before the end users see it. Also, verify the tagging to ensure the proper parameters are being passed before ever analyzing the logs in Webtrends. To do this, either manually view the logs for the site, which could take quite some time to dig through, or, use an HTTP sniffing tool like HTTP-Fox for FireFox or HTTP-Watch for Internet Explorer. Either of these have the ability to show what hits are being sent to the SDC as the query string.