
How do I upgrade the version of Tomcat for On Premises?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Later versions of Tomcat often come with additional security enhancements as well as more stability. If you would like to upgrade to the latest version of Tomcat for your On Premise installation, instructions are as follows:


1) Stop Webtrends User Interface services and IIS

2) Rename .\Common\Jakarta-Tomcat software directory to ?Jakarta-Tomcat old?.

3) Download Tomcat –http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/apache/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.52/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.52-windows-x86.zip and extract.

4) Within the extracted folder, there will be a folder called ?apache-tomcat-7.0.52?. Rename this folder to be Jakarta-Tomcat and place this folder within the .\Webtrends\Common Folder.

5) Rename the \Conf\ folder within the new Jakarta-Tomcat directory to old and copy the \Conf\ folder from \Jakarta-Tomcat old\ to this new location

6) Go into the \lib\ folder within the \Jakarta-Tomcat old\ folder, copy all files and paste them within the new \lib\ folder found within \Jakarta-Tomcat\.

7) Copy the following files from the .\Common\Jakarta-Tomcat old\bin folder and place them in the .\Common\Jakarta-Tomcat\bin folder

8) Start up the UI services and IIS to get the UI up and running again.

More Information

Webtrends does provide support and troubleshooting for Webtrends Analytics with an upgraded version of Tomcat as if it were not an upgraded version. Any questions or issues that arise specifically with the upgraded version of Tomcat itself cannot be addressed by Webtrends support.

If an issue occurs while running Webtrends On Premise with an upgraded version of Tomcat, Webtrends Technical Support addresses the following:

If Webtrends cannot reproduce the situation on a software install with the default install of Tomcat that comes with On Premise, Tomcat would most likely be the problem. The only solution will be to rollback the upgraded version of Tomcat to the base version installed with Webtrends On Premise for troubleshooting.