
How do I split SmartSource Data Collector log files by dcsid?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


By default, SmartSource Data Collector (SDC) log files split by timestamp. When the SDC has the splitlogs feature enabled, any dcsid mapped in the webtrendssites.lst file will generate a separate log file for hits sent to the SDC server, and it will have a naming convention similar to the following example:



To force the SDC to split log files based on dcsid, the following changes need to be made to the dcs.cfg file.

1. Navigate to the following folder:

\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\sdc\cfg\

2. Open dcs.cfg in a text editor.

3. Search for the line containing “hostedmodel=” and change it to read “hostedmodel=true”.

4. Search for the line containing “servicemodel=” and change it to read “servicemodel=true”.

5. Search for the line containing “#splitlogs=false” and change it to read “splitlogs=true”.

6. Save the changes.

7. Stop and restart IIS services by typing “iisreset” at the command line.