
How do I set the maximum size of a profile status log?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x

Webtrends Analytics 8.x


To regulate the size of profile and system status logs globally (applied to all profiles), follow these steps:


1) Open the wtm_wtx.ini file, located in the following directory:


2) Locate the following lines under the [defaults] section of the

auditfilemaxsize =
auditfiletrimmedsize =

3) Enter a value after each of the equal (=) signs. These must be the same value. A value of
zero means an unlimited file size. Any other number will be the maximum
number in kilobytes. For example:

auditfilemaxsize = 1500 (Represents 1.5 megabytes)

The auditfilemaxsize is the size which triggers the trimming operation.
The auditfiletrimmedsize is the size to trim down to. Both settings must
be present and both settings must be the same value.

4) After making the change, save the file and for version 6.x, restart the
Webtrends processes for the change to take effect. For version 7.x and later it is not necessary to restart any services.

5) For version 6, The trimming of all of the status logs only occurs when the
services start, so in order for the logs to be scaled back to the limit
you have configured, you must stop and start the processes or services.

6) For version 7.x and above the trimming operation completes on a per-profile basis and after the successful completion of an analysis event.

To regulate the size of the profile status logs on a per profile basis,
follow these steps:

1) Edit in the ‘X.wlp file, located in the following directory:


2) Add the following lines under the [profile] section of the

auditfilemaxsize =
auditfiletrimmedsize =

3) Enter a value after each of the equal (=) signs. Both values must be the same. A value of
zero means an unlimited file size. Any other number will be the maximum
number in kilobytes. For example:

auditfilemaxsize = 1500 (Represents 1.5 megabytes)

The auditfilemaxsize is the size which triggers the trimming operation.
The auditfiletrimmedsize is the size to trim down to. Both settings must
be present and both settings must be the same.

4) After making the change, save the file and for version 6.x, restart the
Webtrends processes for the change to take effect. For version 7.x and later it is not necessary to restart any services.

5) For version 6, The trimming of all of the status logs only occurs when the
services start, so in order for the logs to be scaled back to the limit
you have configured, you must stop and start the processes or services.

6) For version 7.x and above the trimming operation completes on a per-profile basis and after the successful completion of an analysis event.