
How do I modify the expiration date of the WT_FPC cookie?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x


The Webtrends WT_FPC (First Party Cookie) is set with a default value of approximately 2 years. If that value needs to be adjusted, use the following.


The methods to change the expiration date are different based on the version of the tag you are using –

V9 ?

The V9 tag utilizes the following config point to set the length of the cookie life (defaulting to approximately 2 years) :

this.FPCConfig = {
enabled: (this.cookieTypes === “all” || this.cookieTypes == “firstPartyOnly”),
name: “WT_FPC”,
domain: “”,
expires: 63113851500

The value is the number of milliseconds it will add to the string value of the current time. Any value you replace it with should be the converted millisecond equivalent of the desired lifetime of the cookie.

V10 ?

By default, the V10 tag also sets the WT_FPC cookie expiration to a approximately 2 years:

this.FPCConfig.name = this[‘FPCConfig’][‘name’] = sdcfg(config[‘FPCConfig’], ‘name’, sd(‘fpc’, “WT_FPC”));
this.FPCConfig.expiry = this[‘FPCConfig’][‘expiry’] = sdcfg(config[‘FPCConfig’], ‘expires’, sd(‘cookieexpires’, 63113851500));
this.FPCConfig.expiry = (this.FPCConfig.expiry < 63113851500) ? this.FPCConfig.expiry : 63113851500;
this.FPCConfig.expireDate = new Date(this.getTime() + this.FPCConfig.expiry);

Like the V9 tag, the value is the number of milliseconds it will add to the string value of the current time. Any value you replace it with should be the converted millisecond equivalent of the desired lifetime of the cookie. With the V10 cookie, you have to replace all of the 63113851500 (or current) values.