
How do I manually update the keywords.ini to include a custom search engine?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


A search engine refers traffic to your web site but it is not listed within any of the search engine-related reports. The Most Recent Search Engines report and any report using search phrases and keywords is controlled by the list of search engines in the keywords.ini file. This file not only lists the known domains of search engines, but also the query parameter value they use to define a search keyword.

To include the unknown search engine in the related reports, add it to the keywords.ini file as detailed in the steps below:


1. Stop all Webtrends services in the following order. (Note: Not all services may be installed on a given installation. For distributed environments, stop the services on all nodes prior to stopping the services on the primary machine. Also, all analysis nodes require having the keywords.ini file copied into the specified \modules\ paths as outlined in Step 5, below.)

Webtrends – Scheduler Agent
Webtrends – User Interface
Webtrends – UI Web Services
WebTrends – Data Retention Service
Webtrends – Report Cache Server
Webtrends – Express Data Mover
Webtrends – Express Analysis Engine
Webtrends – GeoTrends
Webtrends – Email Notification Service
Webtrends – System Monitor
Webtrends – MySQL
SQL Server VSS Writer

2. Locate the keywords.ini. The default path is shown below:


3. Add the desired search engine information. New entries require the search engine be added to the end of the list (and incremented accordingly) that begins the keywords.ini file, for example:

Engine999=Webtrends Search Engine Example

Next, add an entry to the end of the second section, which will include the header/name, domain identifier, and parameters used to identify a query:

[Webtrends Search Engine Example]

Note: The name enclosed in brackets must match the name on the Engine### field above. It is possible to include multiple ID# and KeywordIndicator# values. Increment the value for each additional entry, as shown in the example above.

4. Save the file.

5. Copy and paste the file into the following locations (in installations where it currently exists):


6. Restart the services in the reverse order in which they were stopped.

After effecting this change, search engine-related reports will display the newly added search engine as expected.