
How do I manually update the browsers.ini and keywords.ini files?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Webtrends provides updates for the browsers.ini and keywords.ini files several times per year, but at times it may be necessary to make modifications to account for new entries between updates.


Prior to making modifications, it is recommended that backups of the original file(s) are made, either saved in an alternate location or copied with a .bak extension.

To update either or both of these files, perform the steps below.

1. Stop the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent service. If the installation is distributed, stop the service on each of the analysis engines.

2. Locate the browsers.ini and/or keywords.ini files in the following location:

\Webtrends\storage\config\engine\[version number]

To update the list of browsers, wireless browsers, platforms, spiders, devices and various media browsers, refer to step 3. To update the list of search engines and the domains and parameters they use, refer to step 4.

3. Edit the browsers.ini file with a text editor.

a. Later versions of Webtrends Analytics include a header similar to the following. If the header is not present, proceed to the next step.

; Please increment the Version key value below if you do ANY modifications in this file!

Increment the value of Version= every time a change is made to the file.

b. When adding a new browser, locate the [Browsers] section. At the end of the section, add Browser[##]= and the identifier value of the browser for each additional browser to be added.

If, for example, the last three lines of the [Browsers] section are as follows:


Add an additional line (or lines), incrementing the browser count as shown in the example below:


c. Each individual browser entry follows the list in the [Browsers] section, its name enclosed in brackets. Following the last individual entry, and before the [Wireless Browsers] section, enter the browser’s information similar to the example below:


The value in brackets must match the value assigned in the [Browsers] section.
The log value is the string used to identify occurrences of this browser in the cs(User-Agent) field of the web logs.
The text value is what Webtrends will display in its reports.

d. To add new entries to other sections, follow the instructions from above relative to the section in which the changes will be made.

e. Save the changes.

4. Edit the keywords.ini file with a text editor.

a. Later versions of Webtrends Analytics include a header similar to the following. If the header is not present, proceed to the next step.

; Please increment the Version key value below if you do ANY modifications in this file!


Increment the value of Version= every time a change is made to the file.

b. When adding a new search engine, locate the [SearchEngines] section. At the end of the section, add Engine[##]= and the identifier value of the search engine for each additional search engine to be added.

If, for example, the last three lines of the [SearchEngines] section are as follows:

Engine534=Google Tanzania
Engine535=Google Togo

Add an additional line (or lines), incrementing the search engine count as shown in the example below:

Engine534=Google Tanzania
Engine535=Google Togo

c. Each individual search engine entry follows the [SearchEngines] section, its name enclosed in brackets. Following the last entry in the list (this should be the end of the file), enter the search engine’s information similar to the example below:


The value in brackets must match the value assigned in the [SearchEngines] section, and this will display in Webtrends’ reports.
The ID# value is the string used to identify the search engine’s domain in the cs(Referer) field of the web logs. Multiple domains can be attributed to a specific search engine, and a domain suffix can be omitted to attribute a domain name of any suffix to the designated search engine. For each additional domain to be included under this entry, increment the ID# value by one.
The KeywordIndicator# value identifies the query parameter used by the search engine to which keywords and search phrases are appended. Increment the KeywordIndicator# value to include multiple query parameters. The equals (=) sign must follow the parameter.

Example of multiple ID# and KeywordIndicator# entries:


d. Save the changes.

5. Copy the updated file(s) from

\Webtrends\storage\config\engine\[version number]

Copy to the following location:


Overwrite the existing file(s) (or rename them, if there is a reason to retain them).

6. Navigate to the following location:

\WebTrends\modules\analysis\engine\[version number]

Delete the browsers.ini and keywords.ini files from this folder.

7. Restart the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent service and attempt to analyze a profile. During analysis, the application will detect the absence of the browsers.ini and/or keywords.ini file(s) in the \engine folder and copy them from the updated versions in the \storage folder. Reports will now reflect changes made to the file(s).

Note: Updating the browsers.ini and keywords.ini files with either the Webtrends Configuration Data Updater (see below) or by upgrading the entire installation is a destructive change and overwrites any modifications made to these files. If the changes are not present in the updated versions provided by Webtrends, as in the case of custom spiders/user agents, they must be manually added each time the product is upgraded or the updater is applied.

More Information

For more information, please see the article title: How do I update the browsers and keywords list in Webtrends?