
How do I enable debug mode for the Report Exporter installer?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


The Webtrends Report Exporter fails to install, possibly displaying some combination of error messages in either the Java console or at the command line. Enabling the installer debugging will generate additional information in the debug logs to assist in troubleshooting.


At present, this option is only available when running the Report Exporter manually.

To enable debugging, perform the steps below:
1. Retrieve the Webtrends Report Exporter installer (docutil_installer.zip) from the Webtrends server. It is located in the following path:


The full Client Components package can also be downloaded by logging into the Webtrends user interface and navigating to the following location:

Install Components > Accessories > Webtrends Client Components Installations

2. Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder. In that folder, find and edit the install.bat file.

Find the following text:

REM Run the program
%WT_JAVA% -classpath %WT_CLASSPATH% com.webtrends.docutil.installer.DocUtil_Installer %*

change it to read:

REM Run the program
%WT_JAVA% -classpath %WT_CLASSPATH% com.webtrends.docutil.installer.DocUtil_Installer %*-debug > debug.txt

3. Save the changes.
4. Run the install.bat file. A debug.txt file is created in the Report Exporter install folder.

To run the installer in debug mode without creating text file, add “-debug” (without the quotes) to the install string, and without the file redirection. Doing this will cause the installer to open a command line window and display the debug messages inline with the installer while it runs. If this method is used, the command line window will close when the installer finishes, but the debug messages will be visible until the installation process finishes.

A sample debug file is below.

More Information

 Command-line arguments: args.length: 1 args[0]: -debug Thread information: Thread group = main Thread name = main Java environment information: java.vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc. java.version = 1.6.0_05 java.home = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05 java.class.path = lib\win32\jRegistryKey.jar;lib\wtj_docutil_common.jar;docutil_installer.jar java.ext.dirs = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\lib\ext os.name = Windows XP os.arch = x86 os.version = 5.1 user.name = fasteenn user.home = C:\Documents and Settings\fasteenn user.dir = C:\Program Files\WebTrends\storage\config\component\reportexporter\extracted Loading JNI library: C:\Program Files\WebTrends\storage\config\component\reportexporter\extracted\bin\win32\WtRegistryJNI.dll WtInstaller.compareProposedVersionToPreviousInstall(): strProposedVersion: '8.5.232' m_strPref_Node: 'com/webtrends/docutil/rde' m_strPrefName_Version: 'Version' m_strPrefName_InstallPath: 'InstallPath' WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): Checking for com/webtrends/docutil/rde in user Preferences. WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): Checking com/webtrends/docutil/rde in system Preferences. WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): System Preferences node exists. WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): m_strPreviousInstall_Version = "" WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): m_strPreviousInstall_Path = "" WtInstaller.compareProposedVersionToPreviousInstall(): Install info does not exist in system Preferences. WtInstaller.compareProposedVersionToPreviousInstall(): Returning: 0 DocUtil_Installer.launchInstall: Installing the Report Exporter. m_fileOurInstall_Path=C:\Program Files\WebTrends Report Exporter WtWizard1.updateButtons(): Default button is: NEXT_ACTION WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 0 WtWizard1.createTestPage.: strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.createTestPage.: Current Page = 0 WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): bCanDoDefaultAction = true WtWizard1.updateButtons(): Default button is: NEXT_ACTION WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 1 WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 1 WtWizard1.createTestPage.: strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.createTestPage.: Current Page = 1 WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): bCanDoDefaultAction = true WtWizard1.updateButtons(): Default button is: NEXT_ACTION WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 2 WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 2 WtWizard1.createTestPage.: strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.createTestPage.: Current Page = 2 WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): bCanDoDefaultAction = true WtWizard1.updateButtons(): Default button is: NEXT_ACTION WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 3 WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 3 WtWizard1.createTestPage.: strButtonPressed = 'NEXT_ACTION' WtWizard1.createTestPage.: Current Page = 3 WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): bCanDoDefaultAction = false WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 3 DocUtil_Installer.installConverter(): Unzipping Converter zipball: Zipball: C:\Program Files\WebTrends\storage\config\component\reportexporter\extracted\wtj_converter.zip Dest dir: C:\Program Files\WebTrends Report Exporter Done unzipping. Doing install fixups. Creating font description files. Launching getsysfonts at: C:\Program Files\WebTrends Report Exporter\getsysfonts.bat WtProcess.printStdoutAndStderr_Asynch(): Spawning 2 worker threads to read stdin and stdout. WtProcess.WorkerThread.run(): Process.waitFor() returned. getIsAbortSet()='false' WtProcess.WorkerThread.run(): Bottom of while-loop. getIsAbortSet()='false' WtProcess.WorkerThread.run(): Leaving run() Creating installation catalog. WtInstaller.doesApplicationNeedUpgradedToThisVersion(): strProposedVersion: '8.5.232' m_strPref_Node: 'com/webtrends/docutil/rde' m_strPrefName_Version: 'Version' m_strPrefName_InstallPath: 'InstallPath' WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): Checking for com/webtrends/docutil/rde in user Preferences. WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): Checking com/webtrends/docutil/rde in system Preferences. WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): System Preferences node exists. WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): m_strPreviousInstall_Version = "8.5.232" WtInstaller.readCurrentInstallInfo(): m_strPreviousInstall_Path = "C:\Program Files\WebTrends Report Exporter" m_strPreviousInstall_Path: 'C:\Program Files\WebTrends Report Exporter' m_strPreviousInstall_Version: '8.5.232' WtInstaller.doesApplicationNeedUpgradedToThisVersion(): Installed version is equal to or greater than proposed version. WtInstaller.doesApplicationNeedUpgradedToThisVersion(): There exists a previous install of the Application. WtInstaller.doesApplicationNeedUpgradedToThisVersion(): Returning: false WtWizard1.updateButtons(): Default button is: FINISH_ACTION WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): strButtonPressed = 'FINISH_ACTION' WtWizard1.internalActionListener(): Current Page = 4 WtWizard1.createTestPage.: strButtonPressed = 'FINISH_ACTION' WtWizard1.createTestPage.: Current Page = 4 DocUtil_Installer.handler_FINISH(): User pressed FINISH - so now we're exiting. (System.exit(0))