
How do I copy a child profile from an existing full-featured Parent-Child profile to a newly created full-featured Parent-Child profile?


Webtrends Analytics 9.2x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


This article explains how to copy child profiles from existing full-featured Parent-Child profiles to newly created full-featured Parent/Child profiles.


1. Confirm there are no profiles in the analysis queue.
2. Create a new full-featured Parent-Child profile.
3. Create a new Child profile for each Child to be copied.
4. Run an analysis so that each Child will have report data and match the ending time of the log file to the highwater mark for the original profile.
5. Launch the report for each Child to reveal its guid. It will appear in the address bar of the browser, as shown in the example below: http://webtrends:7099/wrc/bin/OnDemandWRCReport/BCKKNke6XF6.wlp
6. Note the guid and Child profile name.
7. Stop the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent service.
8. Copy the contents of the following folder: \Webtrends\storage\analysis\wtm_wtx\datfiles\databases\
9. Paste the contents into the folder for the new Child profile:\Webtrends\storage\analysis\wtm_wtx\datfiles\databases\
10. Rename the existing .zip to the new guid value of the new Child profile.
11. Copy the contents of the following folder (minus the guid_dbinfo.csv): Webtrends\storage\reports\wtm_wtx\datfiles\databases\
12. Paste the contents into the following folder: Webtrends\storage\reports\wtm_wtx\datfiles\databases\
13. Rename the existing .zip to the new guid value of the new Child profile.
14. Restart all of the Webtrends services.
15. Log into Webtrends and all of the data from the original profile should be associated with the copied profile.