
How do I change the user interface port for versions of Webtrends using IIS?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


You would like to change the port number used by the Webtrends User Interface.


1. Open IIS Manager

2. Navigate to YOURSERVERNAME > Sites > YOURSITENAME (such as “WebTrends Marketing Lab”)

3. Right click on YOURSITENAME and choose Edit Bindings…

4. Edit the binding and change the port number

After changing the port number, the following modification should be made for the Webtrends icon to open the user interface to the appropriate port.

1. Navigate to your ./webtrends/common/webroot folder

2. Right click the LaunchWebTrends Internet Shortcut choose Properties.

3. Change the port number in the URL: box to reflect the correct port number. If it was changed to port 80 omit the port number as it will use port 80 by default.

URL: http://hostname:7099

If the UI was changed to Port 80 in IIS change the above to
URL: http://hostname