
How can I get more insight into the performance of on-site search terms?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Visitors may conduct multiple on-site searches per visit, returning both ‘found’ and ‘not found’ results. The pre-configured On-Site Search Terms Performance report displays both ‘found’ and ‘not found’ search terms. (This is due to the inclusion of several measures that account for activity across the whole visit.) If a different format is desired, it may be achieved by creating a custom report.

Detailed below is an example of a custom report which uses new measures to maximize the insight obtainable from this single report.

Revised On-Site Search Term performance:

  1. On-Site Search Phrase (Exclude activity without dimension data)
  1. On-Site Searches (Count)
  2. On-Site Search Term Found (Count)
  3. On-Site Search Term Not Found (Count)
  4. Visits
  5. Revenue (no sum) (Sum)
  6. Average Revenue per Order – Revenue (no sum) (Average)
  7. Units (no sum) (Sum)
  8. Average Units – Units (No sum) (Average)
  9. Orders (No sum) (Count)

Incases where many of the ‘not found’ results reside outside of dataavailable in this report, it may be beneficial to build a second reportwhich specifically focuses on ‘not found’ results. An example is provided below.

Revised On-Site Search Terms Not-Found performance:

  1. On-Site Search Phrase (Exclude activity without dimension data)
  1. On-Site Search Term Not-Found (Count)

Save the report, then add it to the desired profiles and templates. Please note that it will not contain historical data, only data from the point it was added to the profile. In order to generate reports for historical data, the profile must be re-analyzed. For Webtrends On Demand customers, this requires a paid replay.

More Information

Both the standard on-site search reports and this custom report require specific parameters to be present on the results returned hit. These parameters are not set automatically by the Webtrends tag. For more information, refer to the Webtrends Query Parameters section in the Administrators Guide, available through the Customer Center and in the product Documentation Center.