
Determine if Webtrends is installed on SharePoint


Webtrends On Premises


Webtrends SharePoint Analytics and Webtrends SharePoint User Info Collector are SharePoint solutions that make features available at the site collection level. To activate a feature provided by a solution, the following steps need to be performed:

1. Add the solution to the SharePoint farm
2. Install the solution which deploys it for usability in site collections
3. Activate the feature in the site collection

To ensure that the Webtrends features are enabled on a site collection, navigate to Site Settings and click Site Collection Features (under Site Collection Administration). Ensure the Webtrends SharePoint Analytics and Webtrends SharePoint User Info Collector are present and have a status of Active. If they are not active, click Activate.If they are not present, perform one of the following two scenarios to determine that the solution is installed.

Verify through Central Administration:

1. Navigate to Central Administration
2. Click System Settings
3. Click Manage farm solutions (under Farm Management)

Verify thewebtrends.sharepoint.advancedanalytics.wsp and webtrends.sharepoint.userinfo.wsp solutions are present and the status is Deployed.

Verify through PowerShell:

1. Open the SharePoint Administration Shell
2. Type Get-SPSolution and press Enter

Verify thewebtrends.sharepoint.advancedanalytics.wsp and webtrends.sharepoint.userinfo.wsp solutions are present and the Deployed column has a value of True.