
Creating a Webtrends Analytics Reports Data Capture


Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Analytics Reports data captures can be scheduled using the Data Scheduler. To use this feature, you need the Data Scheduler Analytics Data Captures user right. To download your captured data files, you need the Available Files SFTP Access user right. You also need read access to any profiles you capture data from.


To create an Analytics Reports data capture:

1. In the left pane of Administration, click Import/Export.

2. Expand Data Scheduler in the left pane and click Upcoming.

3. Click New > Analytics Data Capture.

4. Select the profile from which you want to capture data.

5. Select the report from which you want to capture data.

6. Select the time period for which you want to extract data. The available time periods are determined by the report period selections for the profile. You can find these settings by editing the profile and clicking Reports > Report Periods and Storage. Your Time Period setting also determines how often data is captured. For example, if you select Month, data is captured monthly. Captures occur after the profile data is analyzed.

7. If you want to notify other Webtrends users by email about the success or failure of your data capture, use the notification fields to create notification rules. Click + to add more rules. Click – to delete a rule.

Note: You can notify a maximum of 10 users per data capture. If you need to notify more users, you can send a notification to a distribution list.

8. Click Schedule.