
Using multiple translation files for campaigns and products


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


All profiles reference the same campaigns and products translation files by default. However, it is possible to specify which translation file is used by a particular profile in order to address the configuration of multiple profiles with different translation needs.


  1. Openwtm_wtx.ini in a text editor. By default, this is stored in the\WebTrends Installation Directory\storage\config\wtm_wtxdirectory.
  2. Copy the text from the start of the [wtt] section through the end of the [wtt2] section.
  3. Browse to the directory containing the WLP file for the profile you wish to modify. By default, this is stored in the\Webtrends Installation Directory\storage\config\wtm_wtx\datfiles\profilesdirectory.
  4. Open the *.wlp file in a text editor and paste in the copied text. The profile file name can be found in Analytics, on the General dialog box for the profile. (For example, if the file name for your profile is owVSmUxuvL5, it is listed in the profiles directory as owVSmUxuvL5.wlp.)
  5. In the profile file, locate [wtt] and add the following line directly to it: overrideglobal = 1 (This tells Webtrends to use the translation file you specify for this profile.)
  6. Under [wtt1], locate the file name option and replace campaigns.csv (or products.csv if it is a products translation file) with the name of the translation file to be used with this profile.
  7. Place the translation file specified in the previous step in the .\wtm_wtx\datfiles\datasourcesdirectory.
  8. Repeat these steps for each profile that is using a translation file.