
Changing Session Termination time frame changes visitor numbers


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


When editing Session Tracking definitions under Web Analysis > Options > Session Tracking, changing the Session Termination Time Frame causes the visitor numbers to change.


This is the expected behavior. Because visitors are counted at the end of visit, visitors who have not completed their visit within the length of the Session Termination Time Frame before the close of the report period will not be counted.

The default visit session timeout is 30 minutes. If there is less than 30 minutes between the last hit of a visit and the end of the report period (say, the Daily report table), then that visitor will not be counted as one of the visitors in the report period.

If the Session Termination Time Frame is reduced, the chance more visitors will be able to close their visit session before the end of the report period increases.

If the Session Termination Time Frame is increased, fewer visitors will be able to close their visit sessions before the end of the time frame.

The results of these changes will be reflected in the Top Visitors report.