
Order to stop and start the Webtrends services by version


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


A Webtrends Analytics installation consists of a number of services working with each other to provide functionality for the application as a whole. Some of the services are critical, most notably the system database and the “Webtrends – Scheduler Agent” services, without which analysis and core system processes are not available. Other services, like the “Webtrends – Email Notification Service,” are less essential, and may even be considered optional for some customers. During maintenance, troubleshooting, or when performing a migration, it may be necessary to stop the Webtrends services and then restart them later.


As successive releases of the product have introduced new services and removed others, no single list of the order in which services should be stopped and started applies to all versions. As a general rule, the “Webtrends – Scheduler Agent” service must be stopped first to halt analysis and other scheduled jobs. The next service to stop must be the “Webtrends – User Interface” service, thereby ensuring no users are logged into the application and effecting changes while the other services are stopped. The last service to be stopped is always the system database. The order in which other services are stopped in between the above-mentioned services may vary, but the principle to observe is that the installation’s services must stop gracefully so its processes complete without data loss or risk of corruption. The following Knowledge Base articles list the order to stop and start services for the versions to which they apply.

In what order should the services be stopped and started under Webtrends Analytics 8.5x?

In what order should the services be stopped and started under Webtrends Analytics 8.7d?

In what order should the services be stopped and started under Webtrends Analytics 9.2x?

More Information

What are the steps to restart a distributed installation of Webtrends Analytics?