Webtrends Visitor Data Mart
With the January 2012 GeoTrends update, Webtrends has refreshed that data and has also expanded the list of countries for which region descriptions are provided in Visitor DataMart. In On Demand, these region descriptions will appear in Visitor DataMart records in the state/province field for all countries for which they are available. Prior to January 2012, the state/province field in Visitor DataMart records was only populated for these countries: US, Canada, Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, UK. Other than refreshing the data, this change does not affect Analytics, where the state/province/region field still appears as the short ISO-3166-2 code for all countries except the US and Canada.
On Premises Instructions for Downloading and Updating the GeoTrends file:
For Webtrends On Premises customers, contact Technical Support to acquire a link to the new Geotrends file. Once received, follow the instructions below:
Once you have the .dat file downloaded, deploy it with the following steps:
1. Stop all “Webtrends – Scheduler Agent” services on all nodes.
2. Stop all “Webtrends – Geotrends Server” services on all nodes.
3. On the server running Geotrends, rename the current Webtrendsmodulesgeotrendsgeotrends.dat fileto geotrends.old.
4. Move the downloaded .datfile into this directory and rename it to “geotrends.dat”.
5. Restart the “Webtrends – Geotrends Server” services.
6. Restart the “Webtrends – Scheduler Agent” services.
More Information
For On Premises customers, the latest GeoTrends file may be used by customers who are on On Premises version 9.x. The expanded list of region descriptions will appear in the Visitor Data Mart state/province fields. Therefore, On Premises customers must use the GeoTrends file that is available for download with their current version on the Webtrends download site. (The version 9.x version of the GeoTrends file must not be used by On Premises Visitor Data Mart customers on versions prior to 9.2x.)