
Why aren’t there totals for Visits, Average Time Viewed and Average Time to Serve in the Pages report?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Why aren’t there totals for Visits, Average Time Viewed and Average Time to Serve in the Pages report?


The report calculates a visit to each page visited by a visitor. A visitor usually hits more than one page during the course of a visit. When this happens, a visit to each page is calculated into the “Pages” report.

Example: One Visitor hits 3 different pages during the course of the visit.

Page 1 – 1 visit
Page 2 – 1 visit
Page 3 – 1 visit

Totaling these visits, would be 3 and this total would be higher count of visits than actually came to the web site. Therefore totals for Visits is not an available statistic in this report.

For the Averages, totaling an average is not recommended as it would be incorrect and therefore, is not an option.