
What folder permissions are required for the SmartSource Data Collector?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


What folder permissions are required for the SmartSource Data Collector?


When installing the SmartSource Data Collector, the folder permissions required for the IIS_IUSRS group, and the folders on which they are to be applied, are as follows:

Grant read-only access to the following folders:

\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\dcwebtroot
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\sdc
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\dcapi

Grant full access to the following folders:

\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\sdc\backup
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\sdc\realtime
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\sdc\log
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\sdc\weblog
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\dcapi\backup
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\dcapi\realtime
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\dcapi\log
\Webtrends\SmartSource Data Collector\dcapi\weblog

More Information

If you are still receiving permission related errors when installing the SmartSource Data Collector, grant read-only access to the Smart Source Data Collector folder and all sub-folders.