Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
The statement similar to the following will appear in the status log during each analysis of a profile:
Max memory usage: accumulation: 1621 MB, merge: 1616 MB, report gen: 1658 MB
Information contained within this can used to determine how much memory a profile is using during each stage of its analysis and report generation.
Accumulation: This shows the amount of memory the profile utilized while it was analyzing.
Merge: This shows the amount of memory the profile used while it was merging the data in the database
Report gen: This shows the amount of memory utilized when report database was being created.
In the example above, the following displays:
accumulation: 1621 MB
merge: 1616 MB
report gen: 1658 MB
For this particular analysis, the most memory the profile used was 1658 MB.