
How do I include failed hits in my reports?


Webtrends Analytics Products


By default, if there is a failed server return code in the log file entry, that line is excluded from the report entirely. For example, if there is a 404 server return code, then the other statistics in that record, such as the referrer, would not be counted in the other tables of the report. How do I include failed hits in my reports?


The SuccessReturnCodes setting can be configured to specify what would normally be considered a failed server return code.

To apply the setting globally to all profiles:

  1. Locate the following file: \Webtrends\storage\Config\wtm_wtx\wtm_wtx.ini
  2. Open the file in a text editor and locate the following section: [Profile]
  3. Add the following value: SuccessReturnCodes=XXX … where XXX is the failed server return code to be shown as successful.
  4. Enter multiple codes as shown in the following example: SuccessReturnCodes=408 409 500
  5. Save the changes and close the text file.
  6. Stop and restart the services to make the changes take effect.

To apply the setting to individual profiles:

  1. Locate the following file: \Webtrends\storage\config\wtm_wtx\datfiles\profiles\x.wlp … where x is the file name of the profile.
  2. Open the file in a text editor and locate the following section: [profile]
  3. Add the following value: SuccessReturnCodes=XXX … where XXX is the failed server return code to be shown as successful.
  4. Enter multiple codes as shown in the following example: SuccessReturnCodes=408 409 500
  5. Save the changes and close the text file.
  6. Stop and restart the services to make the changes take effect.