
How do I disable the third-party cookie in the SmartSource Data Collector and in the Webtrends JavaScript code?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Some times it is necessary to disable the third-party cookie in the tracking code.


Before continuing please note that the following reasons for keeping the third-party cookie intact:
1. The first-party cookie cross-domain identification requires an existing third-party cookie.
2. If a first-party cookie doesn’t exist, the third-party cookie value will be used for sessionizing. This can be useful if there is a misconfiguration and the first party cookie is unable to be set.

If disabling the third-party cookie is a necessity, Webtrends recommends disabling the third-party cookie using either the global configuration option, for the SmartSource Data Collector, or by the “Per Hit via JavaScript” option.

To disable the third-party cookie globally via the SmartSource Data Collector, modify the following line in the dcs.cfg file:
enabled = true

Change to:

enabled = false

To disable the third-party cookie per hit via the JavaScript via the SmartSource Data Collector, change the following line in the dcs.cfg file, or add it if not present:

Then and add this line to the JavaScript:


To disable the third-party cookie per data source via the sitemap, change the value in the fifth column for the data source in the webtrendssites.lst file. Note: This will disable all cookies, which may not be ideal.

To disable the third-party cookie per visitor via the SmartSource Data Collector, the customer must provide a method to set the WTLOPTOUT=yes cookie.