
Campaign reports are not present or do not show any data


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Campaign reports are not present or do not show any data


To populate the Campaign reports in Webtrends, perform the following steps:

1. Format the URL to include the Webtrends campaign parameter and value. For example, the URL on which a visitor clicks, taking them from a search engine to the target page, may look similar to the one shown below:


WT.mc_id is the parameter, and SearchEngine_ad_1 is the parameter value.

The value for WT.mc_id displays as the Campaign ID in Webtrends’ Campaign reports.

Alternatively, if the Webtrends JavaScript tag is used it can be passed in a meta tag. The parameter can be placed in a meta tag on the landing page to identify the name of the campaign and the type of campaign, as shown in the example below:

<META NAME=”WT.mc_id” CONTENT=”Campaign ID”>

2. Set a session tracking definition that uses stronger method of tracking than IP/User Agent, such as First-party Cookie.

3. Turn on Visitor History by enabling the following settings in the profile. Edit the profile, and under Analysis > Visitor History, check the following:

  • Enable Visitor History
  • Campaign History
  • Visit History

4. The relevant Campaign reports must be enabled on the profile. Add them by editing the profile and selecting Advanced > Reports.