Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
You reach the anniversary date displayed in the licensing section of the Administration console but the licensed page view count does not return to zero for the new year.
The anniversary date determines the separation between yearly license periods, also referred to as buckets, and it should be noted that the actual anniversary date is the first day of the month stated despite a later date in that month being shown. For example, if the anniversary date is March 28th, then the day on which the new anniversary year begins will be March 1st.
The collected page views counter in the licensing section shows the total number of licensed page views that have been analyzed in the current year spanning from the first day of the month of the anniversary date through the last day of the month preceding the next anniversary date, and this is determined by the time stamps in the log files analyzed by the system. When a log file with a time stamp that falls within the new anniversary year is analyzed, a new yearly bucket will open and the counter will begin again at zero and increment for all log files with a time stamp within that anniversary year.
Note: It is technically incorrect to refer to this process as a “reset” in that upon opening a new yearly bucket, the count rolls over to the next year, but the collected page views for previous years remain and even continue incrementing if older log files are analyzed and licensed page views still remain for the year in question. A “reset” implies that the counter for the current year (and all previous years) has been set back to zero, but there is no process within the application that has this effect, short of uninstallation.
A licensed page view count that does not drop to zero for the new anniversary is indicative of problems opening the new yearly bucket, possibly due to obstructions within a previous anniversary year or other issues with analysis which prevent the application from successfully analyzing the log files from the new anniversary year. To verify licensing works correctly, create a new data source specifying a log file from the new year, then create a test profile to analyze the test data source. If no issues with analysis (such as invalid data sources, problems with the analysis engine, etc.) are present, the licensed page view count should reflect the number of page views on the test data source upon completion.