
Two-character domain names result in no value for WT.co_f


Webtrends Analytics 9.x

Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Two-character domain names result in no value for WT.co_f


The New vs. Returning Visitors report, among others, returns abnormally high values because the WT.co_f tag has no value. Firefox sets a proper First Party Cookie, and returns a proper WT.co_f value. Internet Explorer will not set a proper First Party Cookie, and does not return a proper WT.co_f value. All hits using Internet Explorer result with WT.vt_f=2. (browser not accepting cookies)


This problem resides on the client side. Firefox and other browsers have no problem with 2 x 2 domains. (i.e. ke.dk) Internet Explorer has a problem issuing cookies to 2 x 2 domain names on all clients. Microsoft reported this as fixed in IE 6 SP1, but we have verified that this problem still persists in later versions, up to and including IE8.

This problem resides on the client side. Firefox and other browsers have no problem with 2 x 2 domains. (i.e. ke.dk) Internet Explorer has a problem issuing cookies to 2 x 2 domain names on all clients. Microsoft reported this as fixed in IE 6 SP1, but we have verified that this problem still persists in later versions, up to and including IE8.