
Sessions timing out every couple of minutes while actively browsing within the UI


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Users get logged out on a regular basis while actively browsing the UI.


1. Go to Application settings > System Management > Hosts > UI server

2. If, “use local settings” is selected, change “Memory for Tomcat” to 1200 and Save, you should get offered to have Services restarted. Accept the offer.

If, “use local settings” is not selected, then cancel, go to Application settings > System Management > Global Roles > UI server, and set the “Memory for Tomcat” to 1200 and Save.

Note This will updated the Xmx value in \common\jakarta-tomcat\conf\wttomcatservice.ini

4. Stop the UI service

5. Take the attached wrc.jar file and rename/replace the file with the same name found in\common\uiserver\WEB-INF\lib\

6. Edit \common\jakarta-tomcat\conf\wttomcatservice.ini, and change the Xms value to 1200 as well

7. Restart the ui service.