
Reports do not include all of the intranet domain items


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


The Intranet Domain “default.ini” per line entry of 4,096 characters has been reached.


The Intranet Domains feature is a powerful management tool that helps track corporate Intranet activity. The feature provides a more detailed breakdown of an organization’s domain name under the following report areas.

Top Companies
Top Countries
Top Cities
Top Organizations

Because of a per-line limitation within the “default.ini” configuration file of 4,096 characters, if more than approximately 340 Intranet Domain items are applied to all profiles or any one profile, the data in the above reports will not be complete.


To resolve the issue, follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the following location on the server:
  2. Edit the .wlp file for the corresponding profile. The guid displays under the profile name when editing the profile in the user interface.
  3. Locate the following entry: includeintranetprofiles =
  4. Modify the entry to read as follows: includeintranetprofiles = *
  5. Save the change.
  6. Restart the Webtrends services for the change to take effect.

To change the setting so it applies to all profiles, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the following location:
  2. Open the wtm_wtx.ini file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the following entry within the file: includeintranetprofiles =
  4. Modify the entry to read as follows: includeintranetprofiles = *
  5. Save the change and close the file.
  6. Restart the Webtrends services for the change to take effect.