
Report Exporter is unable to export more than thirty reports when All reports in this template is selected


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Webtrends Report Exporter is unable to export more than thirty reports at once.


Due to the time required to export a large number of tables to Word and PDF documents, Webtrends has implemented a hard limit on the number of tables that will be exported in a single job. The limit is set to 30 by default but can be increased per type of export for both manual and scheduled jobs.


The following steps will increase the number of tables exported when selecting “All reports in this template” when performing a manual export.
1. Navigate to the Webtrends Report Exporter installation folder, located by default in the path shown below:

C:\Program Files\Webtrends Report Exporter

2. Open DocUtil-constants.xsl with a text editor.

3. Perform a search for the following string:


A line similar to the following displays:

4. Modify the select= value to the desired number of reports to be exported at once, then save the change.
Note: Higher values will increase the time required for exporting to Word or PDF documents.

The following steps will increase the number of tables exported when running a Scheduled report event.

1. Navigate to the following location on the Webtrends server:


2. Open DocUtil-constants.xsl with a text editor.

3. Perform a search for the following string:


A line similar to the following displays:

4. Modify the select= value to the desired number of reports to be exported at once, then save the change.

Note: Higher values will increase the time required for exporting to Word or PDF documents.