
Report Exporter fails to export, displays red X with java.io.IOException and/or Downloader_Applet not found errors


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


When attempting to export a report, Webtrends Report Exporter returns a pop-up box with a red “X” in the upper left corner. This issue persists even after re-installing the Report Exporter and/or Java in addition to deleting all Temporary Internet Files and reducing browser security settings.

The Java debug log, available from the Java console in Windows’ Control Panel, may show you one or both of the following error messages:

java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: http://<server name>:7099/wrc/component/reportexporter/wtj_downloader.s.jar

load: class com.webtrends.docutil.downloader.Downloader_Applet not found.


This may occur after making a change to the Webtrends storage repository locations.


1. On the Webtrends user interface server, open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and drill down from the server root to “WebTrends Marketing Lab” > “wrc.”

2. Right-click on the “component” folder and select “Properties.” The component Properties window displays.

3. Under the “Virtual Directory” tab, ensure the value in the “Local path:” field displays the correct path to the storage repository. A relative path for the default location is shown below:


If the relative path is correct, try changing the path to an absolute path as shown below:

C:\Program Files\WebTrends\storage\config\component

4. It may also be necessary to reestablish the IUSR account privileges for this directory. To do so, select the “Directory Security” tab, and under “Authentication and access control” select the “Edit…” button. The “Authentication Methods” window displays. Ensure the check box for “Enable anonymous access” has been checked and the IUSR_<server name> account populates the “User name:” field.

After saving the changes, restart the “Webtrends – User Interface” service and confirm the issue has been resolved.