
How to report on what On Site Search terms lead to conversions


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


You want to find out what on site search terms are being used when your visitors are converting. It’s assumed that the last on site search of the visit was the one that led to the conversion.


What you need to do in order to get this information is create a report that has the On Site Search Phrase for the last On Site Search that had results and filter this to only include visits that converted.

You will need to create a new dimension to get just the most recent on site search phrase as well as a filter to only include hits that converted. To do either of these, you will first want to navigate to Administration > Web Analysis > Report Configuration > Custom Reports.

To create the new dimension:
1. Click the Dimension menu item
2. Click New
3. Give the Dimension a descriptive Name and Column Name and click Next
4. In the Parameter Name field, enter “WT.oss” and click Next
5. In the “When to collect data” tab, select Last Occurrence in Visit and click Next
6. Click Save

For an example filter, we’re going to use a purchase as a conversion. To create the filter:
1. Click the Filters menu item
2. Click New
3. Give the filter a descriptive name
4. Above Match Criteria, click New
5. Under Filter On, select URL Viewed in Visit
6. In the Page Expression field, enter an asterisk (*)
7. Under URL Parameters, click new URL Parameter
8. In the Parameter Name field, enter WT.tx_e (or the parameter your conversion is based on)
9. In the Parameter Value field, enter “p”
10. Click Done
11. Click Done
12. Click Save

Now to create the report:
1. Click the Reports menu item
2. Click New
3. Give the report a descriptive Name and Title and click Next
4. Under Primary Dimension, select the new dimension you created
5. Check the box next to Exclude activity without dimension data
6. Click Next
7. Click New to create a new measure
8. In the Measures drop down, select Visits and click Done
9. Click Next
10. Under filters, click Include next to the custom filter you created for your conversions and Exclude next to On-Site Search Not Found Hit.
11. Click Next
12. Click Save
13. Add this report to both your profile and the template used on the profile

You will now have the last on site search phrase of the visit for visits that converted.