
How to install and configure the Webtrends ODBC driver


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


The Webtrends ODBC Driver allows you to query Webtrends Event Databases and Report databases. For more information about using the Webtrends ODBC Driver, refer to the Webtrends Marketing Lab Programmer’s Reference in the product documentation section of Customer Center.


1. In the Webtrends user interface, navigate toWebtrends Administration, then select Install Components > Install Webtrends ODBC Driver to launch the installation wizard.

2. Once the driver is installed, navigate to the Control Panel in Windows, then select Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

3. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator window, select System DSN > Add, then scroll down and select WebTrends ODBC Driver.

4. Enter a name in the Data Source Name field (to identify it among the data sources), and modify the description if necessary.

5. Enter the Host/Server name (or IP address) and Portfor the ODBC server.

  • For software installations:Enter the Webtrends server name or IPaddress andport number(default: 7099, or443 if SSL is enabled).

6. Enter the Account Name (On Demand customers only), Username and Password, then click Connect.

7. Once connected,the Profile and Template drop-downfields will populate with available items. Select a profile and a template, then click Ok to save the changes and complete the configuration.

More Information

The Webtrends ODBC Driver requires .NET 2.0to be installed on the system using the driver.To acquire .NET 2.0, please run Windows Update, or visitwww.microsoft.com/downloadsand search for: .NET 2.0 redistributable package.

Or click this link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/search/result.aspx?q=.NET+2.0+redistributable+package&form=dlc