
How do I update Geotrends with a new Geotrends.dat file?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


You have downloaded a new Geotrends.dat file. You want to know where to put the updated GeoTrends.dat file in your analytics installation so the the new information within the updated file will be used by the webtrends product.


Stop the GeoTrends service. Replace the geotrends.dat file in the webtrends\modules\geotrends folderwithyour updated file. Restart the Geotrends Service.
Updated copies of our geotrends files are typically released when a new software version is released. They are available by contacting Technical Support.

Only use the geotrends.dat file for the intended version as they are notinterchangeablewith all versions.