
How do I track campaigns in Twitter?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


You have a post or a campaign that you want to track on Twitter or another social media site.


Essentially, campaign tracking is the same with non-social media campaigns. You would create a destination URL and either have a META tag on the landing page that assigns a value to WT.mc_id or you would add the WT.mc_id with it’s value as a query parameter to the destination URL. If you use a URL shortening service such as bit.ly, you will need to add the query parameter to the URL before shortening it.

You would then want to define the campaign in your campaigns.csv file for tracking purposes.

Finally, if you are using Webtrends Insight, you could also include a feed from your social media site with your Campaigns report in order to display data about your posts with your traffic to more visually realize the impact your campaigns are having.

More Information

How will shortened URLs from Twitter display in referrer reports?