
How do I perform a manual system backup on a Webtrends installation which uses MS SQL Server 2008+?


Webtrends Analytics 8.7
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Before making non-trivial changes to a Webtrends installation it is recommended a backup of the system’s core components be made to allow recovery of the installation should issues arise. At its core, a Webtrends installation consists of the system database (in two parts, wt_sched and wtMaster) and the storage repository. If the system database has been backed up and the storage repository has been copied to a safe location, even in the event of a complete system failure the installation and its data can be restored to a working state.


Back Up the Storage Repository
The Webtrends Storage repository is located in the following default path:


Stop all Webtrends services except for the system database.

Once all services have been stopped, copy the storage folder to the backup location. The contents of the storage folder may occupy significant drive space. Ensure the backup location contains sufficient drive space and enough time has been allotted for it to copy.

Back Up the System Database
The system database can be backed up using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or from the command line.

To back up the system database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, follow the steps below:
1. Install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2008.

2. After Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio has been installed, launch the application to connect to the system database. The “Connect to Server” dialog box displays.

  • In the “Server type:” field, select “Database Engine” (default).
  • In the “Server name:” field, select “<server name>\WTSYSTEMDB” where <server name> is the name of the Webtrends server where the database is located. WTSYSTEMDB is the name of the database instance in a default installation.
  • In the “Authentication:” field select “Windows Authentication” if logged into the Windows machine using the Webtrends service account or an account with rights to make changes to the system database. Otherwise, select “SQL Server Authentication” from the drop-down menu and enter the credentials for a SQL Server account which has the needed rights. Click “Connect” to connect to the database.
3. Expand “Databases,” right-click on “wt_sched” and select “Tasks” > “Back Up…” from the context menu. The “Back Up Database” dialog box displays.
  • Under the “Source” section, ensure the “wt_sched” is selected for the “Database:” and “Backup type:” is “Full.”
  • Under “Backup set” provide a name, description and expiration date as needed and then select “Add…” under the “Destination” section and designate the file name and path where the backup will be saved.It may be necessary to select the “Overwrite all existing backup sets” option in the Options section if a backup already exists and is to be overwritten. Make sure that only one backup file is specified. If multiple files are specified, the restore will require all files as it treats this like a striped RAID array.
4. Select “OK” to complete the backup process.

5. Repeat the above steps for the “wtMaster” part of the database.

To back up the system database from the command line, perform the steps below:
1. Open a command prompt window and type the following command, then hit Enter:

sqlcmd -S<server name>\

…where <server name> is the name of the server on which the system database is installed and is the name of the instance. The default instance name is “wtsystemdb” (without quotes).

Successful execution of the command displays a numbered SQL prompt similar to the following:


Commands can be entered on a single line or line by line, after which they increment until executed. Commands are executed with the “GO” command.

2. Type the following command, then hit Enter:


…where is the path on the system to where the backup file will be saved, and is the name of the part of the database being saved.


BACKUP DATABASE wt_sched TO DISK=’C:\backups\wt_sched.bak’ WITH FORMAT; BACKUP DATABASE wtmaster TO DISK=’C:\backups\wtmaster.bak’ WITH FORMAT;

3. Type the following command, then hit Enter:


The backup command executes and a backup of both parts of the database are saved under the name and path specified.