Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x
You have set up a hit filter based on URL to include or exclude pages such as and the filter fails to either include or exclude the pages.
A hit filter based on URL does not filter the domain portion of the URL, in this case, To include the domain select Multi Homed Domain from the hit filter include/exclude list and enter the specific domain there.
In addition, when specifying the Page Expression the filter will only act on the URI-stem, which is /index.html in this example. In order to filter on the entire URL with query string, the parameter name/value pair must be specified in the URL Parameters option of the hit filter.
To create a hit filter for the example URL, select URL for the Active Hit Filter Parameters. In the URL tab, enter/index.html for the Page Expression and select New under URL Parameters. Enter parameter for the Parameter Name and set the Parameter Value to be equal to value.