
Non-page view extensions appear in the Pages report


Webtrends Analytics 8.7
Webtrends Analytics 9.2


The Pages report displays standard file types but also includes the following non-page file types:
gif, .jpg, .bmp, .png, .wbmp, .jpeg, .css, .js, .dtd, .asmx, .ascx, .ico

These file types are considered non-page view extensions and should not display in the report.


If non-SDC web logs are being analyzed (i.e., IIS or Apache), modify the hit classification to use file extensions instead of the default “WT.dl” parameter.

To modify the hit classification for page view definitions, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to “Web Analysis” > “Options” > “Analysis” and select “Hit Classification” > “Page View Definitions.”
2. Under “Define page views using this method:” select the “File extensions” radio button.
3. Click “Save” to save the change.

These settings affect global page view and download definitions. To modify these on a per-profile basis, edit the profile and select either option under the “Analysis” tab. Changes to definitions made to individual profiles override global definitions.