
Apache fails to start with service-specific error 1


Webtrends Analytics 8.0x


The copy of Apache installed by Webtrends fails to start using the services control panel, the apache.exe file, or by restarting the Webtrends – User interface service. You may also see one or more of the following error messages:

The Webtrends – Apache service terminated with service-specific error 1 (0x1).

The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> Unable to open logs.

Starting Apache.exe manually from the bin directory may yield one or more the following errors:

The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> no listening sockets available, shutting down.

The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> The port number “pdxfasteenn02:” is outside the appropriate range (i.e., 1..65535).

The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> Syntax error on line 222 of C:/Program Files/Webtrends/common/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

You have tried renaming the Apache and Tomcat directories and doing a modified installation to create them from scratch and the issue remains unresolved.


Perform the steps below to resolve this issue.

To refresh the Webtrends Apache HTTP configuration:
1. Ensure the Webtrends – MySQL (or MS SQL system database) and the Webtrends – User interface service are running. If the User interface has not started, you will be unable to proceed until they do.

2. Open the following file in a text editor:


3. Find the line that reads similar to the following:


4. On the line below, paste the following:

Listen 7099

5. Find the a line similar to “ServerName pdxfasteenn02:” (pdxfasteenn02 should be the name of the Webtrends server).

6. Replace it with the following:


Ensure both the Listen line and the ServerName line do not contain a ‘#’.

7. Save the httpd.conf file.

8. Open a command prompt and navigate to the following folder:


9. Type the following, and then press enter:


The command window may appear as if it has hung or locked up but this is the expected behavior.

10. Open the Windows Services snap-in and verify that Apache is started.

11. If necessary, start the Tomcat service.

Do not stop and then start Webtrends – User interface service. If you do, it will overwrite the changes made to the httpd.conf file with faulty data.

12. Log into Webtrends and click Administration > System Management > Hosts > UI Server.

13. If the box for “Enable HTTP” is not checked, check it. If it is checked, uncheck and then recheck it, also check or uncheck the box for Enable Tomcat logging (making this change will force a write to the configuration file; you can go back and undo the Tomcat logging change later).

14. In the “Apache Port” box, type 7099, and then click Save.

15. If you are prompted to restart the Webtrends services, click Restart Services.

The Apache service should now start normally. If you made a change to the Tomcat logging settings in step 13, go back and undo that change now.