
Profile fails with an error wtrs returned with an error


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Profile fails with an error:
“wtrs returned with an error”.


Below is a list of the most common causes of this error:

Cause: Antivirus real time scanning.
Solution: Exclude the “webtrends” directories from the real time scan.

Cause: Indexing Service is enabled.
Solution: Disable Indexing service.

Cause: Hardware does not meet Min. Sys. Requirements.
Solution: Upgrade Hardware.

Cause: The program, if not properly licensed, may cause a profile to immediately
fail once it has entered the Event Queue. Checking the “wtrs.startup”
located in “[install folder]\modules\analysis\engine\7.0” directory may
include one or more of the following errors:

Licenses found are not for this version.
Please enter appropriate license(s) for WebTrends Reporting Center.
Product is unlicensed, cannot run.

Solution: Obtain the appropriate product licenses from WebTrends Technical Support.
Until valid licenses are applied the profiles will not be able to finish the

Cause: Geotrends not installed but the profile has Geotrends enabled.
Solution: Edit the profile and go to the Internet Resolution tab and uncheck geotrends, or install geotrends.

Below are additional things that may cause this error:
-Geotrends not installed: Edit the profile and go to the Internet Resolution tab and uncheck geotrends, or install geotrends.
-Could not parse log file (bad log file, check the log for validity. Is Process Accounting enabled? Is the file 0 bytes? Is there no header? etc.)
-Could not connect to FTP: Verify ftp settings and try again.
-Invalid log file format: The log is not supported by webtrends.
-No log files found for datasource: Verify that the datasource (Administration -> Datasources) is setup properly.
Note: If datasource is through the network do not use mapped drives. We recommend using the UNC path (\\computername\logs\*.log).
Also the Webtrends – Scheduler service must be configured as a domain user.
See Also Knowledge Base Number 051466: How do I set up WebTrends to run as a service under a specified user?

More Information

This error message is a generic error message, and has no specific meaning. The troubleshooting methods are typically causes and solutions to these messages.