
Visitor History export header descriptions


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Webtrends’ Visitor History table exports contain the headers shown below. A description and example(s) are included for each header.

VisitorId – The id value assigned to the visitor.
Example: 2c0b5e3feb48286300f1239431336861

ExternalVisitorId – A secondary visitor ID value assigned from external sources.
Example: 32962d21-5817-43c0-b5ab-34ec4b7278cc
Example: 044030bb-1b23-4fd9-9e8a-6da9bc44d06d
Example: null

Hits – The number of hits the visitor has made on the site to date.
Example: 10

Visits – The number of visits made by the visitor to date.
Example: 2

FirstVisitTime – The time stamp of the visitor’s initial visit to the site.
Example: 2011-04-20 01:06:13

LastVisitTime – The time stamp of the visitor’s last visit to the site.
Example: 2011-04-20 01:07:18

TotalVisitSeconds – Cumulative seconds for all visits.
Example: 1220

FirstEntryUrl – The entry page viewed on the visitor’s first visit.
Example: http://www.somedomain.com/subsite/page.html

FirstReferringUrl – The referring domain on the visitor’s first visit.
Example: referringdomain.com

FirstReferrerForBuyingVisit – The referring domain on the visitor’s first visit when a purchase was made.
Example: referringdomain.com

MostRecentReferrerForBuyingVisit – The referring domain for a visitor’s most recent visit when a purchase was made.
Example: referringdomain.com

FirstCampaign – The first campaign associated with the visitor.
Example: 70140000000HqMx

FirstCampaignType – The type of campaign used for the first campaign.
Example: banner

MostRecentCampaign – The most recent campaign which brought the visitor to the site.
Example: 70140000000HqMx

VisitorValue – The value of the visitor’s most recent purchase.
Example: 1.99

NumberOfPurchases – The number of purchases made.
Example: 2

PreviousPurchaseValue – The value of the visitor’s most recent purchase.
Example: 9.99

FirstPurchaseTime – The time stamp of the visitor’s first purchase.
Example: 2011-04-20 01:06:13

LastPurchaseTime – The time stamp of the visitor’s most recent purchase.
Example: 2011-04-20 01:07:18

InitialSearchEngine – The search engine first used which directed the visitor to the site.
Example: Google

InitialSearchPhrase – The search phrase used on the search engine which first directed the visitor to the site.
Example: sprockets

MostRecentSearchEngine – The most recently used search engine which directed the visitor to the site.
Example: Bing

MostRecentSearchPhrase – The search phrase used on the most recently used search engine which directed the visitor to the site.
Example: sprockets

InitialPaidSearchEngine – The search engine first used which directed the visitor to the site with a paid advertisement.
Example: Google

InitialPaidSearchPhrase – The search phrase used on the first search engine which directed the visitor to the site with a paid advertisement.
Example: sprockets

MostRecentPaidSearchEngine- The most recently used search engine which directed the visitor to the site with a paid advertisement.
Example: Google

MostRecentPaidSearchPhrase – The search phrase used on the most recently used search engine which directed the visitor to the site with a paid advertisement.
Example: sprockets

InitialOrganicSearchEngine – The search engine first used which directed the visitor to the site without using a paid advertisement.
Example: Google

InitialOrganicSearchPhrase – The search phrase used on the search engine first used which directed the visitor to the site without using a paid advertisement.
Example: sprockets

MostRecentOrganicSearchEngine – The most recently used search engine which directed the visitor to the site without using a paid advertisement.
Example: Google

MostRecentOrganicSearchPhrase – The search phrase used on the most recently used search engine which directed the visitor to the site without using a paid advertisement.
Example: sprockets

InvoiceCount – The total number of invoices generated by the visitor.
Example: 1

MostRecentInvoice – The most recent invoice attributable to a purchase made by the visitor.
Example: Invoice3

SecondMostRecentInvoice – The second most recent invoice attributable to a purchase made by the visitor.
Example: Invoice2

ThirdMostRecentInvoice – The third most recent invoice attributable to a purchase made by the visitor.
Example: Invoice1

VhSeg1 – One of four marketing segments.
Example: Segment1

VhSeg2 – One of four marketing segments.
Example: Segment2

VhSeg3 – One of four marketing segments.
Example: Segment3

VhSeg4 – One of four marketing segments.
Example: Segment4

ContentGroupUniqueVisitorData – Content of Interest data. Includes time stamp and content group name.
Example: 2009-07-08 04:36:53 Technologies,2009-07-20 07:14:54 AboutUs,2009-07-20 07:15:06 Support
Example: 2009-09-03 01:24:47 Products,2009-09-03 01:24:58 AboutWebtrends

PageOfInterestUniqueVisitorData – Page of Interest data. Includes time stamp and page of interest name.
Example: 2009-02-25 21:56:08 RSSFeed,2009-02-25 21:56:23 UnrelatedKeywords,2009-03-05 15:45:56 Home
Example: 2009-07-09 01:35:14 Home,2009-07-09 01:35:27 Solutions,2009-07-09 01:35:40 AboutWebTrends,2009-07-09 01:36:39 AnalystsandExpertsOpinions,2009-07-09 01:36:54 Customers,2009-07-09 01:37:08 Liveit,2009-07-09 01:37:41 Testimonials,2009-07-09 01:38:03 Partners,2009-07-09 01:38:09 WCSP,2009-07-09 01:38:16 WCP,2009-07-09 01:38:34 PartnerSite,2009-07-09 01:38:41 Support,2009-07-09 01:38:50 WhitepapersAndGuides,2009-07-09 01:39:03 Top5FAQsaboutKPIs,2009-07-09 01:39:20 Form