Webtrends Analytics 8.7
An administrator of a Webtrends installation is unable to log into their administrator account and there are either no other administrators available or no other administrator accounts on the system.Resolution
Execute the script in the section below to create an administrator-level account with the user name “wtsupport” and the password “admin”.Perform the following steps before running the script:
1. Stop all Webtrends services except the “SQL Server (WTSYSTEMDB)” service.
2. Back up the MS SQL database.
3. Examine the wt_user table in the wtmaster database. Make note of the last number used in the “UserID” column.
4. Replace each occurrence of “999” in the script to be the next incremented value from the current UserID value from step 3.
Execute the queries in the script, then verify the “zz_User” table was dropped from the wtmaster database. If it was not dropped, execute the following query in the query pane:
Log in and confirm the application is accessible with administrative rights. It is recommended the user changes the account user name and password immediately after logging in.
More Information
use wtmaster insert into dbo.wt_User (LoginAccountID, UserName, Email, Password, FirstName, LastName, Company, PhoneNumber, ReceiveNewsletter, ReceivePartnerOffers, AllOptOut, LastPasswordChangeTime, CreateTime, ValidationKey, Validated, LastPasswordChange, IsDemoUser, PasswordType, RoleID, LastLoginTime, HideConsolePages, IsSystem, TimeZone, SessionTimeout, AcceptedEULA, UserStatusID, CurrentFailedLoginCount, ActiveDirectoryDomain, ActiveDirectoryUserName, ActiveDirectoryExtendedAuth, UILocale, UILanguage, HasWTDSAccess, RoleUserID, IsRole, RolePurpose) values ('1', 'wtsupport', '', 'D9723F0CD2C107AB1DCC142197C94B1101AB', 'webtrends', 'tempuser', 'webtrends', 'False', 'False', '0', 'True', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, NULL, 'False', GETDATE(), 'False', 'wt', '999', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '60', 'False', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'False', '1', 'False', 'SUPPORT_LOGIN') create table zz_User (UserID int,RightKey varchar(40),AccountID int,WTObjectID varchar(255)) insert into zz_User (UserID,RightKey,AccountID,WTObjectID) select UserID,RightKey,AccountID,WTObjectID from wt_UserRightTokenMap where UserID in (select UserID from wt_User where UserName = 'Administrator' and IsRole = 'True') go update zz_User set UserID = IDENT_CURRENT('dbo.wt_User') go insert into wt_UserRightTokenMap (UserID,RightKey,AccountID,WTObjectID) select UserID,RightKey,AccountID,WTObjectID from zz_User drop table zz_User