
Search phrases from bing.com resolve only when profile language is set to UTF-8


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Search phrases from Bing.com only resolve when the Profile Language (encoding) selection (found under the Analysis > Language tab when editing the profile) is set to UTF-8.


For most search engines, either the top level domain or ie query parameter value is used to help in the conversion of double byte characters. As an example, when something is sent using the google.co.jp search engine, Webtrends identifies is being encoded in Japanese UTF-8.

Search engines can also specify their language through an encoding override parameter in the query stem. This applies to most search engines, howeverBing.com, uses neither. There is no bing.co.jp, nor does Bing pass any parameter indicating which encoding is being used. The only way to get the search phrase converted is to select UTF-8 in the Language tab of the profile configuration, and for it to appear correctly encoded in the SmartSource Data Collector log files, Bing.com will need to be added to the SDC’s convert_searchstr.ini file.