
Express Analysis Log Source and Express Analysis Report Data Repository won’t update through the UI.


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Changing the Express Analysis Log Source and Express Analysis Report Data Repository won’t update through the UI. You go to Storage Locations, change the location and the system sends a restart event through the job queue, but nothing changes, the path reverts to the original location.


1. Stop the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent service.
2. Open Microsoft SQL Managment Studio, go to this table:


3. Edit the Path to the new location. If you are changing from local to unc path, also update the MachineID column.

If you do not know the machine ID, go to wtmaster.wt_wrcmachine to get the correct machine ID for the server you are using.

4. Restart the Webtrends Scheduler Agent service.