
Multiple domains and/or variations of the same URL appear in the Pages report


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Multiple domains and/or variations of the same domain, e.g., www.domain.com and domain.com, appear in the Pages report and similar reports. This results in multiple entries for the same URL when it is preferred they be aggregated under the single domain displayed in the Home tab when editing the profile.


Ignore the multi-home domain information captured in the log file in order to produce an aggregate report. The steps below explain how to enable this option both globally and on a per-profile basis.
For a single profile:
1. Edit the profile and note the guid in the “Profile File name” text box found in the General tab.
2. Edit the .wlp file for the profile, found in the following location:
Add the following line to the [profile] section:
3. Save the changes.
To configure this change globally:
1. Edit the following file:
Add the following line to the [defaults] section:
2. Save the changes.
These changes will take effect on the next analysis. This will not affect historical data, so all currently open reporting periods will still display the old domain data until they either close or are reanalyzed. New data will use the domain information displayed in the profile’s Home tab.